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Miss Universe 2012 Prediction

If the Mayan prediction comes true that the world will end on December 21, 2012, whoever wins Miss Universe will definitely hold the record of the shortest reign in history.  But by then, who cares, right?  Everyone will be dead.  But prediction is exactly that, a prediction.  It is not necessarily what will actually happen.  If you look up the definition of the word prediction, it simply states that it’s a statement about the way things will happen in the future, often but not always based on experience or knowledge. Therefore, it may or may not happen.

With that said, Pageant Extra decided to show our prediction for Miss Universe 2012 based on our experience and knowledge, combined with what we saw in the preliminary competition on December 13.

Who do we think will make the top 16?  Here they are, in random order…

First up, PUERTO RICO – Bodine Koehler

Bodine performed really well at the preliminary and according to our fashion experts, sported one of the best evening gowns of the evening.  Plus, Puerto Rico always do well at Miss Universe. They have made the semifinals 7 times since 2000 and have won the crown five times.



Please join us, USA – Olivia Culpo

Olivia is simply stunning!  People had mixed reactions about her evening gown during the preliminary but no one can deny that she has one of the best bods in the competition.  She also interviews really well and very confident in front of the camera.



Next up, CROATIA – Elizabeta Burg

You have to be blind to miss the angelic face of Elizabeta.  She’s very photogenic, stylish and knows how to work the stage.



Come on down, GEORGIA – Temar Shedania

She was so unexpected and so fresh.  Her performance at preliminary is flawless and was ranked second among our fashion experts’ best evening gown.  She worked it and she was noticed!



The stage is yours, PARAGUAY – Egni Eckert

Another surprise at the preliminary…Egni looked amazing.  She projected herself as a winner and came out a winner.  She couldn’t do anything wrong that evening…great performance in both evening gown and swimsuit.



The sixth spot is for the hotness that is, BOLIVIA – Yessica Mouton

From the moment she stepped out on her evening gown, we knew she had it.  She exuded pure confidence; she took her time on stage and incorporated some playfulness in her performance.  There is only one word to describe this woman, sultry!



And to join our happy little group, SOUTH AFRICA – Melinda Bam

We have to go with the odds makers’ pick.  This woman is non-stop style.  A full year of preparation has paid off for Melinda and she is ready to conquer the world!



The next spot belongs to, NETHERLANDS – Nathalie den Dekker

Her swimsuit performance alone would have catapulted her into the top 16.  She loves the camera, knows how to play the crowd and definitely one of best blondes in the competition.



This moment belongs to, AUSTRALIA – Renae Ayris

Another blonde.  Have you been counting? Renae is blonde number 5.  The Aussie’s have been doing really well at Miss Universe in recent years and Renae will keep that streak going.  She did well at preliminary and since Kooey Australian Swimwear is a big sponsor this year, it just seems appropriate.



The number 10 spot belongs to, MEXICO – Karina Gonzalez

Even though her performance at the preliminary is a bit mediocre, we think she will still be in the top 16.  She has one of the largest supporters in the audience and the two Miss Universe winners from Mexico were both crowned in Las Vegas.



Let’s welcome, CZECH REPUBLIC – Tereza Chlebovska

Tereza is one of the most beautiful delegates this year and performed really well at preliminary.  The Czechs have been doing well in this pageant in recent years and have been sending very well prepared candidates.  However, they have never gone pass the top 10 yet.  Maybe Tereza will change that.



To complete our lucky dozen, please come forward, KOSOVO – Diana Avdiu

One glance at this lady and you will understand why she won the award of Miss Photogenic.  She is sophisticated, has great style and just plain classy.



In Vegas, Lucky 13 is, SRI LANKA – Sabrina Herft

This girl just has everything going right for her.  Her styling is perfect, she knows how to work the crowd and she’s very confident.  She could have picked a better evening gown but remember, the judges are not supposed to judge the gown.  They are supposed to judge the contestants on how they look and carry themselves in an evening gown.  If that’s the case, Sabrina, you’re safe!



Only 3 spots left, one of these spots belongs to, THAILAND – Nutpimon Farida Waller (Our guess as the Voters’ Choice)

Farida did well at the preliminary and she is just absolutely gorgeous.  She doesn’t look like your typical Thai contestants because Farida is half Thai and half Austrian but grew up in Thailand.



Only two names left, one of them is, VENEZUELA – Irene Esser

Irene is gorgeous and has a killer bod.  Her evening gown was not exactly our favorite but she carried it well.  As pretty as she is, she lacks the appeal that her predecessors had but we think she’ll still be up there.



And rounding out the top 16 is, PHILIPPINES – Janine Tugonon

Miss Universe is a sucker for drama and suspense so we figured that since Janine will probably have the loudest cheer from the audience like Venus in 2010, we have to name her last.  Janine is exotic and her body is to die for.  Wish she would change her evening gown as it was a bit drab and boring.  She also looks better with her hair down so we suggest keeping it that way, adding some volume to it and wearing the yellow gown instead.



If we have to predict the final five and their placements, we will have to incorporate a little bit of statistics and probabilities.  The first competition after the top 16 is always the swimsuit.  Looking at the performances in the preliminary, the top 10 women with knockout bodies at the preliminary will score the highest.  With that in mind, the top 10 will likely be Australia, Bolivia, South Africa, Sri Lanka, USA, Philippines, Croatia, Netherlands, Puerto Rico and Paraguay.

The top 10 then compete in evening gown, which will decide the top 5.  With their preliminary performances in mind and considering who the top 5 women in evening gowns, we believe that the top 5 will be Paraguay, USA, Puerto Rico, South Africa and Australia.

With that said, our prediction for the final placements looks like this:

4th Runner Up – Australia, Renae Ayris

3rd Runner Up – Paraguay, Egni Eckert

2nd Runner Up – Puerto Rico, Bodine Koehler

1st Runner Up – USA, Olivia Culpo

Miss Universe 2012 – South Africa, Melinda Bam


Good luck to all the ladies and to everyone who is creating their own prediction list.  The winner will be announced during the live telecast on Wednesday, December 19, from the Planet Hollywood Resort & Casino in Las Vegas at 8pm PST, hosted by Andy Cohen and Giuliana Rancic.

Meet the 89 Candidates for Miss Universe 2012!

Photos Courtesy of Miss Universe LP, LLLP and graphics by

China is Miss World 2012

Miss World 2012, Wen Xia Yu of China

Wen Xia Yu of Liaoning, China was crowned Miss World 2012  in Ordos, China.  Sofie Moulds of Wales and Jessica Kahawaty of Australia was 1st Runner Up and 2nd Runner Up respectively.

The rest of the top 7 includes Brazil, Mariana Notarangelo; Jamaica, Deanna Robins; South Sudan, Atong Demach; and India, Vanya Mishra.

The top 15 also includes Spain, Aranzazu Estevez; Netherlands, Nathalie Den Dekker; England, Charlotte Holmes; Mexico, Mariana Berumen; USA, Claudine Book; Philippines, Queenierich Rehman;  Indonesia, Ines Putri; and Kenya, Shamin Nabil.

The winners of each special events were also announced.  They are:

Beach Fashion: Wales

Top Model: South Sudan

Multimedia: India

Sports: Sweden

Talent: China

Beauty with a Purpose: India

Continental Queens of Beauty were also announced after the finals and they are Americas: Brazil Africa: South Sudan Asia and Oceania: China Caribbean: Jamaica Europe: Wales