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Saskatchewan woman wins Miss World Canada for first time in 50 years

Miss World Canada 2013, Camille Munro

Miss World Canada 2013, Camille Munro

After entering her very first beauty pageant, 22 year-old Camille Munro has become the first Saskatchewan woman to win the Miss World Canada Crown in 50 years.

“I just started crying. It just was the first reaction that happened. But it wasn’t sad tears, it was tears of joy and shock,” said Munro of hearing her name called at the  finals in Richmond B.C.

She said she is thrilled at the opportunity the pageant provided to represent the province, and her home city of Regina.

“I feel like I’ve done something really awesome for the province.  I’m proud to say I can bring it back, and that Regina and Saskatchewan as a whole can now be on the map in another way that they haven’t been for 50 years,” she said.

The win came after months of preparation, which was often difficult for Munro to fit in alongside her studies in Human Justice at the University of Regina and her work as a dance instructor. She credits friends and family for supporting her along the way, and helping her to manage the dozens of details that went into her win.

Munro said she is especially pleased at the opportunities the title gives her to promote Dress for Success,  a charity she’s been involved with for about 4 years.    Dress for Success provides business-appropriate clothing and career planning help for women in need.

“It’s really just going to give me a stronger base of people that will be willing to sit down and talk with me who I may not have otherwise had a chance to meet ever, “she said.

Munro will be representing Canada at the Miss World pageant in Jakarta, Indonesia in September.

Courtesy of Bryn Levy

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