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Miss America Laura Kaeppeler Rips Toddlers & Tiaras, Child Pageant Culture

Miss America 2012, Laura Kaeppeler

Miss America Laura Kaeppeler knows a thing or two about beauty contests.  The 24-year-old Wisconsin native, who was crowned in January, isn’t a big fan  of the Toddlers & Tiaras / Here Comes Honey Boo Boo culture, however.  “There’s a misconception that pageants are beauty pageants, but Miss America  is a scholarship provider,” Kaeppeler told E! News Wednesday night.  “We compete in talent and community service, so there’s a lot more to  it.”

Laura says she only started competing in pageants two years ago, at age  22. She said Miss America is “about being a well-rounded young woman and an  empowered female” and that child beauty pageants are pure exploitation.  “I don’t agree with those sort of programs,” Kaeppeler said. “Because I don’t  think it’s the child’s want to do that necessarily and the child engaging in  that.”  “I think it may come from an outside source. I think if you’re going to do  something like [competing in pageants], you should do it because you want  to.”



Courtesy of Hollywood Gossip

One response

  1. Wow, I didn’t know she only began at 22. It’s crazy how some girls compete their entire lives, then last year Teresa Scanlan won her first year, at 17, and Laura wins after only competing for 2 years. Its very encouraging for me, who began competing at 20 and have not placed or won in those 2 years. I still have a chance.

    September 9, 2012 at 1:33 PM

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