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Former Miss USA Contestant casted on Survivor: Philippines

Miss Delaware USA 2011, Katie Hanson

The popular CBS show Survivor cast a couple of former beauty queens for Survivor: Philippines. One of them is former Miss Delaware USA, Katie Hanson.  Katie competed at the 2011 Miss USA Pageant in Las Vegas.

Katie Hanson is a junior studying at the University of Delaware, where she is majoring in Criminal Justice. Upon graduation from college her goal is to ultimately become a Delaware State Trooper. She is the daughter of Donna Fournier, a Nutrition teacher in the Christina School District.

Achieving the title of Miss Delaware USA has been a dream come true for Katie. She loves interfacing with people, which is evident in how she utilizes her spare time. During her spare time, and between study sessions, Katie maintains two jobs. She works as a waitress at Outback Steakhouse in Newark, Delaware; this allows her to meet and interact with new people on a daily basis. In addition, she works at the Variety Club (The Children’s Charity) instructing high school children with a wide range of disabilities.

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