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Miss Malaysia Earth 2012

(From left) Teoh Lee Miang, Deidre Ann Walker, R. Deviyah Daranee, Kylie Wong and Elaine Kho. Pix by Wong Tuck Keong

An A-level Science student R. Deviyah Daranee has been  crowned Miss Malaysia  Earth 2012.  Deviyah won a trophy, RM4,000 and a return air ticket to the  Philipines.

The 20-year-old who wants to be an accountant also bagged subsidiary titles  such as Miss Best Eco-Design and second-runner-up for Miss Talent.

The beauty pageant took place at Syuen Hotel on Sunday.

Deidre Ann Walker, an 18-year-old veterinary student from Sabah, was the  first-runner-up. She was also crowned Miss Media.

She received RM1,000, sponsored gifts and a modelling assignment with Star  Avenue Productions.

Kylie Wong, a 19-year-old university student from Perak emerged as the  second-runner-up. She also won the Miss Facebook and Miss Glamour titles,  RM1,000, gifts and a modelling contract.

The third and fourth runners-up were Teoh Lee Miang of Pahang and Elaine Kho  of Sarawak. They received RM1,000 and RM500 respectively.

Miss Charity was won by Deborah Yap, Miss Tropical Beauty/Miss Personality  by Jacquelinn Yap, Miss Talent by Xandria Ban, Miss Charming by Joanna Marie  Faurillo, Miss Cosmopolitan by Livonia Ricky Guing and Miss Goodwill by Phine  Loo. The night started with the contestants parading in traditional costumes,  swim wear, trendy dresses and evening gowns.

“The top three winners will be contesting at the Miss World Earth 2012, to  be held in the Philippines by year-end,” said Star Avenue Productions director  Veandra Voon.

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